Mumbai: The tourism promotion agency for the Indian Ocean Island of Reunion will be rolling out a new revamped Cash Incentive Scheme for Indian travel trade, which according to William Techer, Head of Marketing & Promotion-India, Reunion Island Tourism Board, “is with lot of new features” and also “quite simpler” to gain cash incentives.

As per the new incentive scheme, agents will get a cash incentive of € 5,350 for every 200 Indian travellers being sent to Reunion Island in 2018. The tourism board has worked out specific matrix to make the cash incentive rewarding for travel agents promoting the destination by which even agents who send smaller groups would also be eligible for incentives based on the size of the group.

With this new incentive scheme, the Tourism Board hopes to achieve at least 50 per cent growth in visitor numbers to the island this year. There has been 25 per cent growth in Indian visitors in 2017 compared to 2016. “Although the numbers are quite small from India, it is evolving quite fast.”

On the marketing strategy for India, Techer said, “We will go for more direct promotions through social media channels to improve the visibility of the destination. We want to see how the market reacts.”

Reunion Island has more to offer compared to other island destinations in the Indian Ocean which are more of luxury hotels and beaches. Reunion is a good mix of culture, gastronomy, activities, mountains and beaches. The island has over 1,000 km of hiking track,” he said.

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