Mumbai: GoAir has recorded the best On-Time Performance (OTP) of 75.9 per cent for the month of January 2019, as per DGCA statistics. This is fifth successive month that GoAir has recorded best OTP and it is the result of GoAir’s continued focus on enhancing customer experience.

A GoAir spokesperson said, “We thank our customers who have made this possible. It is a matter of great pride and a testimony of our passenger first policy. There is a great deal of emphasis on Operational Excellence across GoAir and the results of these efforts are heartening to see.”

Despite January month posing weather challenges across sectors, GoAir attained the best OTP amongst scheduled domestic airlines as per Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India data. DGCA records OTP for all the airlines at four metro airports viz. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Besides, data pertaining to the number of complaints per 10,000 passengers for the month of Jan 2019 shows that GoAir has had least complaints. GoAir had only 0.3 complaints per 10,000 passengers. The average for the industry is 0.73 complaints per 10,000 passengers. For the month of December 2018, GoAir’s passenger complaints were 0.2 per 10,000 passengers, again the lowest among key players.

GoAir operates over 240 daily flights and carried around 10 lakh passengers during the month.

Categories: Aviation Travel